Wednesday, 1 November 2017

Tips to Make Your Wedding More Hippie and Fun!

Well, what defines a hippie? Let’s get one thing clear, we are not going to be stuck on the textbook definition of it. Happy and high is the shortest and most perfect way to describe them. Not always will you be able to incorporate your love of being a hippie in your wedding, since it’s not just you but a lot more people who are involved in this procedure. But fret not people, we have brilliant tips which will help you be a little more yourself, all while not disappointing your relatives. And don’t forget to hire the best wedding photographers in BhubaneswarAuromira Weddings.

Handmade Dream-catchers

Hippies and dream catchers are two inseparable elements. Since dream catchers are more of a spiritual thing, it is better to make it either DIY or nature based. Incorporating symbols which mean something to you as a couple. Making these with your husband-to-be (especially if you have a smaller area to be covered) will be a real treat.

Customized perfumed soaps for every guest

If you are more of an organic lover then this is the perfect option for you. It’s like having the liberty to make all your family and friends use a compilation of ingredients you find interesting. You could assemble your favorite essential oils with the perfect flavors and skin friendly colours. Imagine how amazing the result would be if you could combine scents or flavours that reminds you of the particular person.

Making the perfect aisle/centerpiece

Perfecting the aisle is an idea that is not easy to achieve but if you are a hippie in love then it most certainly is! Decorate it to the actual vibration of your relationship with respect to colour, the amount of dazzle to be used etc. the best wedding videographers in Bhubaneswar are provided by Auromira Weddings.

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